
JKMRS Volume 23, No 3, pp 73, Mini-review on fabrication of ni...
2019년 09월 22일 / 조회수: 568

Mini-review on fabrication of nitrogen vacancy center in diamond
and its application to NMR



Sangwon Oh*



Ultra-low Magnetic Field Team, Korea Research Institute of Standards and Science, Daejeon 34113, Republic of Korea





Received Sep 17, 2019; Revised Sep 18, 2019; Accepted Sep 18, 2019


Abstract Nitrogen-vacancy (NV) is one of the most popular solid-state spin systems for quantum sensing.  NV has been used for vector magnetometry with nanometer spatial resolution and sensors for nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) in samples with small volume, less than 10 pL. Various studies are in progress to make NV a complementary sensor for current NMR technique. Fabricating and improving diamond itself are one of the research topics. This mini-review contains recent develops in diamond fabrication and treatment for higher NV yield. Additionally, we briefly introduce the development status of NV in NMR.


Keywords ultra-low field NMR, portable NMR, T1 contrast, prostate cancer 


* Address correspondence to: Sangwon Oh, Ultra-low Magnetic Field Team, Korea Research Institute of Standards and Science, Daejeon 34113, Republic of Korea, Tel: 82-42-604-1117; E-mail: sangwon.oh@kriss.re.kr 

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